Got Responsive?
As technology is constantly changing on the Internet, web design and web technologies are constantly changing as well. This is primarily why it is important to have a mobile friendly website. Aside from the fact that search engines will now rank your site lower in their search results if you do not have a mobile friendly web site, it is estimated that by the end of 2016, close to 65% of your website visitors will be visiting from a mobile device. And that number will probably go to 80% in the next few years. This is why it is now imperative to have a mobile friendly (Responsive) website.
Mobile friendly websites have technology built that automatically adapt to whatever device is viewing the site. Whether visiting from a PC with a 21 inch monitor, a 15 inch laptop, a 7 inch tablet or a 2.5 inch mobile device, the site will auto confirm itself to any device to ensure the site is easy to navigate. How awesome is that?
If you do a Google search on your smart phone from your mobile device, you will see that Google has labeled which sites are Mobile-friendly in the results. Obviously if your site does not have this label next to it, you are far less likely to get click-throughs to your website from mobile users.
Want a mobile friendly website but don’t want to have a new site built?
In most cases it is possible to convert an existing website to ensure it passes the mobile friendly test. We can often do this for a very affordable price, contact us today for a free analysis and quote of your existing site.
Not sure if your site is mobile friendly?
Well, Google has a site in which you can enter your website address and it will do an analysis of your site letting you know if it is mobile friendly or not:
Simply enter your website and click the analyze button
Within about 30 seconds you will get the results.
Now more than ever, business owners need to realize the importance of mobile search optimization. In 2016, mobile searches will definitely continue to grow, making mobile-friendly websites more important to a successful online marketing campaign than ever before. Contact us today for a quote on getting your current website converted to mobile Responsive or to have a new one built, we can assure you it is more affordable than you think.